Become a Member of the Ancient Athletic Family
Want to become a member?
Who: Anyone who is passionate about promoting Scottish Heavy Events can become an Ancient Athlete regardless of race, religion, gender or ethnic heritage. You don't have to be an athlete or Celtic to join us!!!
Join Ancient Athletics makes you a member of the St. Andrew's Society of Central Illinois
Teach and learn Scottish Heavy Events
Early registration to all Ancient Athletic events
One free registration at an Ancient Athletic hosted game
Research, organize, plan and host highland games, demos, special events, and charity work.
Learn to judge and score keep
Learn to make equipment - Weights and sheaf
Access to practice equipment
Be part of Ancient Athletic Demo Team.
Access to Ancient Athletic Rover for out-of-town events/games.
Access to St. Andrew Society of Central Illinois dinners, parties, meetings and events.
Eligible for board positions with Ancient Athletics and/or the St. Andrew's Society
Member only awards at annual bonfire
Access to member only chat and newsletter
Member only discounts for hotels
Invites to "night on the town" events
MUST become a member of the St. Andrew Society of Central Illinois by completing the membership application HERE
Renewals are due each year on St. Andrew's Day each November.
Is there a cost? Yes, Ancient Athletics is part of the St. Andrew Society and the cost helps pay for events, insurance, newsletters, etc.
After Paying your dues, email and let them know that you are registered. That's it.